Opepe – FSC or OLB certified
Opepe is an exceptionally strong and durable timber with a high resistance to marine borers. Wijma hold stock in Europe with OLB and FSC® certification, which is complemented by our in house production facilities enabling us to offer re-sawing and further machining including planing, drilling and prefabrication.
Wijma is a leading supplier of FSC certified timber sourced from our forest concessions in Cameroon, where we are able to saw a full range of sizes, and have shipped to our stock and directly to customers from Cameroon for decking, lock gates, bridges and civil engineering projects.
Opepe, Bilinga – Nauclea diderrichii
Opepe is widely used for decking, cladding and as street furniture. With its versatile properties it is also becoming a popular alternative when a project might traditionally call for species such as Ekki and Greenheart. Opepe displays many of the same characteristics and can be used as an alternative to both for use in marine and heavy civil engineering work, with its coarse, interlocked grain and high density, it provides exceptional durability and resistance to abrasion and marine borers, ensuring a long service life.
With our certified graders we are able to visually strength grade Opepe to the HS Grade, strength class D50 according to BS5756:2007 and BS EN 338.