Ekki / Azobe – FSC or OLB certified
Ekki is internationally recognised as one of the strongest and toughest timbers commercially available. Wijma hold approximately 10,000m3 of Ekki in stock with either OLB or FSC® certification, with facilities to produce sawn and machined sections at our mill in Holland and three sawmills in Cameroon, manufacturing a large range of sizes from large beams for Network Rail use and piling, to decking and cladding.
Ekki has a coarse, interlocked grain and as a result provides exceptional durability, and resistance to splitting. Coupled with the density, this adds to the outstanding resistance to abrasion and marine borers, contributing to a long service life.
As with Greenheart, Ekki is widely used for various applications in marine and heavy construction work and is ideally suited for lock gates, piers, bridges, fenders, coastal protection works, civil engineering projects, and decking.
Ekki – Lophira Alata
Ekki’s superior strength and durability means that much less timber is required than an alternate timber species, This fact holds true for the initial installation and over the life of the product. Therefore, the use of Ekki reduces the total volume of timber required over the life cycle, with the use of longer lasting timber reducing the logging pressure on global forests.
Wijma UK Limited is a leading supplier of FSC certified timbers which we have supplied since 2005, when Wijma became the first forest manager in West Africa to obtain FSC certification. We now sustainably manage 315,087 hectares of FSC certified concessions and were the first company with an FSC group certificate in Africa. It is our intention that any future concessions will also be FSC certified to ensure continued supply of FSC Ekki and promote environmentally, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
With our certified graders we are able to visually strength grade to the HS Grade, strength class D70 according to BS5756:2007 and BS EN 338.