FSC Certification
Wijma and FSC
In 2005 Wijma became the 1st forest manager in West Africa to obtain FSC certification with its concession FMU 09-021 (36,439ha). The decision to obtain certification as a saw milling industry in Cameroon was as visionary as courageous, as no national Forest Stewardship Council certification standard existed at that time.
We then set a target to have all of our concessions certified, and were awarded certification on our 2nd concession in 2008 for the FMU 09-024 (57,385ha). Wijma extended the FSC certification to its entire partner FMU’s, 11-005 (71,815ha) in 2009 and 09-022 (61,301ha) in 2010. With our final FMU 09-025 (88,147ha) gaining certification in 2012.
As to of today the Wijma Group manages over 315,000 hectares of Forest Stewardship Council certified forest, and was the first company with a group certificate in Africa. All Wijma companies involved in the chain of supply whether harvesting, processing, trading or selling from Africa to Europe hold FSC Chain of Custody, ensuring supply of a sustainably managed product from forest to finished product.
Wijma are able to supply FSC certified Ekki, Opepe, Eveuss, Okan, Basralocus and many other species. All timber is sourced and sold through our head office Wijma Kampen B.V. who has an FSC certified chain of custody for processing and trading in certified timber and timber products.
Certificate number: SGSCH-COC-000790
License number: FSC-C006461
About FSC
The Forest Stewardship Council is an international NGO (non-government organisation) dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests.
FSC runs a global forest certification system with two key components: Forest Management and Chain of Custody certification. This system allows consumers to identify, purchase and use timber and forest products produced from well-managed forests.
Worldwide there is over 184 million hectares forests certified according to the guidelines and principles of The Forest Stewardship Council
The “tick tree” logo is used on product labels to indicate whether products are certified under the FSC system. When you see the Forest Stewardship Council logo on a label you can buy timber and other wood products, such as paper, with the confidence that you are contributing to the promotion of environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.